Be sure to leave time in between transmissions, this is especially important for those that may need the system for emergency or priority traffic.
English is the only language that is permitted for use on this repeater system.
Foul language, political discussions and citizens band (CB Radio) terminology is strictly prohibited, please conduct yourself in a kind & professional manner.
Discussions of internet control of GMRS repeaters and radios including but not limited to Zello, myGMRS Network, and The GMRS Linked Network is strictly prohibited. (FCC Part 95, Prohibition of telephone network connections, Per FCC definitions, VOIP connections via the internet is a public telephone network).
Internet control of GMRS radios operating on the Alliance 575 Simulcast Repeater System, including but not limited to remote control radios (where operator is not present at the RF control point), Zello, myGMRS Network, and The GMRS Linked Network is strictly prohibited.
Use of data transmissions including but not limited to APRS and RTTY is strictly prohibited. The only exceptions to this rule is the use of MDC and CW for the purposes of station ID and control.
All nets and formal gatherings on the air must be approved by the Alliance or the repeater custodian. Changes to existing nets or formal gatherings on the air (including date changes) must be approved by the Alliance or the repeater custodian.
No member or non member may speak on behalf of the Alliance regarding Alliance events, functions or technical aspects of the simulcast repeater system. Only the President, Vice President or Repeater Custodian may speak on behalf of these topics. The only exception to this is when one of the above parties approves a designee for speaking on a specific topic, this will be done on a case by case basis.
Constant short transmissions “kerchunking” in order to test repeater coverage is prohibited. Stations must identify with their FULL callsign every fifteen minutes and when they clear from the frequency.
No member or non member may spam members of the “Alliance” and/or members of the telegram group. This includes, but is not limited to sending unwarranted invites for members to join unofficial Telegram, Facebook, Discord, Signal and all other forms of social media platforms.
Those who violate the above Rules & Regulations, members and non members are subject to temporary suspension or permanent revocation or ban from membership (members only) or application for membership, and/or a temporary or permanent ban from use of the Alliance WRCU416 Simulcast Repeater System. Enforceable by the Federal Communications Commission.